Do you know that ?

Vacations mean the best time of the year for you, long before Christmas, Easter and New Year's Eve ?

And better than all together ?


And you don't feel like going back "home" once you are in vacations ?

And you wouldn't go back at all if you had no obligations and commitments ?


And holiday doesn't actually feel like "holiday" for you, but a "new life" ?

Eure durch den Urlaub voll aufgeladene Motivations-Batterie entlädt sich noch bei der Ankunft an eurem Heimatflughafen oder -bahnhof ?

And as soon as you are back home, you just fall again into the deep hole of your daily routine? Here, if not before, if you sit again in your office or somewhere else at work. Und kaum eingestempelt, wollt ihr am liebsten gleich wieder umdrehen und gehen ?


#doyouknowthat ?


  • If NO, then you can continue to rejoice in the 4 weeks of holidays you get off from your employer.
  • If YES, then you roughly have an idea how I felt like and why I went for a (world-) trip.

Do you think, that there must be more in your life than just the daily working routine and you comfort zone ?


Me, too ! And therefore, I go for a (world-) trip.