Who is "fleet-foot" ?

A few words about "fleet-foot" ...


I got the "nickname" "fleet-foot" a few years ago by my brother, who wanted to express some of my dominant character traits; my volatility, non-binding nature and and nomad mindset. There is even a wictionary.org-entry for the term "fleet-foot" in German !

According to dictionary.com, a fleet-footed person is somebody who is quick and nimble on one's feet. 

According to the Duden (German dictionary) the term 'fleet-foot' involves a reckless and careless person, even an imprudent one.

But, this description is not mean to be understood as a negative one.

I like to be here today, somewhere else tomorrow, and then elsewhere again. Without giving account to anybody where I go and when I'm coming back (if I do so). I appreciate to come, go and stay as long as I feel comfortable.

I don't like to make any announcements about my reasons and motives if there's no purpose.

Compromises and trade-offs feel unpleasant to me and I prefer best doing what I want, without asking anybody's permission.


Personally, the most important value of all is the freedom (of choice) to me.